2026 Talk List
Bookings are now available Mondays to Thursdays
Between 1st January and 31st May, 1st October and 30th November
. I don't take bookings in the summer months.

Sumptuous Soil, Dirty Detritivores and Crumbly Compost.
Understanding your decomposers and
making great choices for your plants and the planet.
NEW Talk. So Many Snowdrops So Little Time! (February bookings only)
Their beautiful differences and the early food they provide.
(Pre-ordering some unusual snow drops for collection at the talk)
🌎 You, Your Garden and Climate Change 🌎
Help your garden help the planet. and the low down on eco products or those that pretend to be! (The most popular talk in 2024)
🐝 Understanding Solitary Bees In Your Patch 🐝
The fascinating ecology and nesting habits of social bumblebees,
cuckoo bees and all of the solitary bees and their importance to the future of humans.
(Not honeybees!)
🐜 The Wild Bunch In Your Patch!🐜
Identifying critters and understanding the relationship between your patch and the life within it. Including understanding the social media critter scientists. (Specimens to hold !)
The runner up most popular talk in 2024
😳 The Terrors of Opening for the NGS😳
The good the bad and the truly ugly! (Rather rude in places...)
still here by popular demand.
Where and why? A chilled (not dull!) look at this superb plant. Not Pelargoniums!
(This talk still hasn't been removed after all,
and you can pre-order plants for the event, if I have them!)
New Talk. Wrong Time Wrong Place!
This talk is not for the feint hearted and it is not about gardening, pre-booking is essential, walk-ins and non-club members will not be permitted entry.